That Gives Me the Red Arse!

I was looking over some stuff today & ran across something that needed to be shared. A woman is now suing Denny's (restaurant) because of a chemical burn she suffered on her butt after using the bathroom. Appearantly, she couldn't see the chemicals on the seat, but felt them immediately after sitting down. Hrm. Frivolous lawsuit...careless pooper?
A few things need to be considered.
1. What does Denny's use to clean their toilets? I want to know. That would make for a good prank.
2. Who in their right mind sits down on a Denny's toilet without a seat cover? Either someone looking to file a suit, or someone about to soil their suit. I hope the latter. This is good stuff.
The woman has supposedly suffered nerve damage (I don't see how this could happen...even if she was huge) and is in constant pain. How would you respond if you were Denny's? Or, what would you like to say to this ladie?