Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Noise I Make

If you've been on this planet for any period of time, you've encountered noise...some good & some not so good. The not so good noise seems to permeate almost every aspect of life & what sucks is that most of this "noise" comes from people that surround us (I'm not excluding myself from sometimes being part of the noise-makers).

I'm reminded of a story I heard when I was a kid about this king who loved noise & regardless of what time it was, some sort of noise could be heard. He got this bright idea that he would command everyone to make a loud noise in unison & it would be the loudest noise ever. So he commanded that it be done & word spread of the decree. One guy got a bright idea that if he didn't make any noise, he would be able to hear what the loudest noise ever sounded like. To keep it short, he told a couple of his buddies & word began to spread of the plan. When the time came to make noise, everyone was silent because they wanted to hear the loudest noise ever. There was silence & the king soon realized how great silence was.

I don't want to be just another person adding to the noise. When you speak try to say something. It's better to be thought an idiot than to open your mouth & remove all doubt.



At 2:59 PM, Blogger moses said...

hello, it's me- meatmachine

At 3:33 PM, Blogger scoeyd said...

lil brudder -
nice take on the noise issue - i wish that more people would take the same line of thinking you offer up before adding to the noise - before opening mouth & spewing verbal diarrhea... just a thought.

At 11:20 PM, Blogger digapigmy said...

who in the world would tell a kid a story like that? that's messed up.

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Murdoc said...

I think I heard that story in gym class from my Turkish coach. Does that make more sense?

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Double D said...

I knew a guy in the Air Force that thought he'd quote the idiot proverb...after the next thing he said we all had lost any doubt...


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