Monday, June 15, 2009


I've been thinking about life. Not necessarily the "miracle of life," but the way we/I live it. I've been noticing some things lately. It seems to be easier to be negative than it is to be positive. This is both in outlook or worldview & in the words people speak. It seems easier to point out what's wrong with the world & what's wrong in the world, than to see what's good or what's right. It also seems that there will never be a shortage of things to complain about...people...circumstances...situations...or fill in your own favorite.

There's nothing like attitudes of negativity & criticalness (possibly my own word) to get our focus off where it should be. These attitudes are selfish, they're about us...or me. What pushes this? Why is it so common, so normal? BItterness, unforgiveness, loss of hope, emotional pain, physical/emotional trauma, "real" life experience? Sin? Probably.

Like with most things, I have to...or get to choose what will be true of me. How will I look at people, circumstances, & situations? Am I going to be critical? Negative? Am I going to complain & think of little more than me, me, me? I can tell myself that this is normal & this is just how people are. I could, but I'd be selling myself a load of you know what.

I'm pretty sure it says somewhere, in some book I once read, that I should be a person who loves, who hopes, & who sees people, situations, & circumstances in a different way. It's a much better way to live. It's preferred. God help me to live it & not settle for less.


At 11:20 PM, Blogger shontell said...

Our wrong focus is our complete humaness in its worst form. It's why I got my tattoo where I did. I need thirty second interval reminders of what I am doing here. A friend reminded me that just because all that stuff is happening, doesn't mean we have to talk about it. It's a sad tribute to the free will God gives us. We just always choose the suckiest route.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger scoeyd said...

Brother - hmmm. Yes.
Shontell - I always thought you got the tattoo there because you are hard-core. That must just be a coincidence then...

At 7:04 AM, Blogger digapigmy said...

shontell has a tatoo?

ben is negative and critical?

what kind of a topsy-turvy world is this. Talk about having a hard time feeling positive!

At 4:24 PM, Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

Go Positive Thinkers UNITE!!
If we were like the Power Rangers I would so totally be the Pink one!

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Tmoneyreno said...

This relates to a bible verse that I am sure I should write in lipstick on my bathroom mirror... you know the one, think on things that are good and righteous, dut dut dut....and the power of your tongue in James.

go pink power ranger, that is why I love you

At 3:25 PM, Blogger shontell said...

I AM THE RED ONE!! Hard Core! word.


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