Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It's strange. Yearly "celebrations." Birthdays... Anniversaries... With my birthdays, I remember the excitement of knowing that I was gunna get cool stuff, or get to do something fun. I liked my birthdays so much, I tried to drag them out for a week. I think my wife believes that I still do this, but this is not the case. For clarification, my birthday is not till July. Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary. It was a fairly good day. Started off normal. Up at 5. Off to the gym @ 5:35. Home @ 6:45, with a steamy hot chai for my wife of course (chai is not a daily occurrence due to the cost of chai). To work by 8. Me & baby Todd hanging in the office (which is phenomenal).

Anyway, I planned a date to "The Olive Garden." This is Jessica's favorite restaurant. It was also the location of our first date 3.5 years ago. I ate the new dish, the Lasagna Rollatini topped with chicken & a lite alfredo sauce. Simply delicious. I was proud that I was able to try something other than the Manicotti. I would suggest either dish. Ellie joined us. She was her normal self. She sat in her chair & watched us talk & eat, and she occasionally chimed in with her opinion, when appropriate of course. We talked about some of what we would like to see in our relationship/our lives in this next year. Went home, watched some recorded tv shows. Put Ellie to bed.

On "special days," my mind usually goes other places, mainly the past. It's been 3 years. 3 years ago, we were vastly different people in a vastly different place. On one hand it's amazing to see how we've changed & to see what has transpired in our lives over the last 3 years. It's easy to recognize the goodness of God in these reflections. On the other hand, the last 3-4 years have been extremely painful (not the doing of my wife). Broken relationships. Broken trust. Accusations. Judgement. Burnout. Anger. Indifference. Doubt. Further burnout, which leads me to ask, how do you burn burnt toast?

Maybe it's normal to reflect, but it's way more fun to think of where we are now, 3 years in & with a baby Todd. Friends. Good jobs. Generally having fun. Yay for the present.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger SeƱor H said...

I think about the past as well. Who we were is always going to be a part of who we are. Sometimes I don't like who I was but it gives me a better perspective of who I want to be.

Side note, I am trying to pick a type of beer for my next brew. I do some research and write notes next to the ones I want to brew like what they should taste like when done correctly. Number two on my list says "I think Ben would like this one" We will see.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger laura said...

people with July birthdays and January Anniversaries are the coolest ;) I knew there was a reason I liked you. (in case you didn't make the connection- i fall under that list of people).
Having just had an anniversary ourselves, I have been reflecting a lot as well. Sometimes I don't even recognize myself or my life as it was way back in the olden days.
God sure is good!

At 1:29 PM, Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

oh man, happy 3rd anniversary. sorry i didn't remember that yesterday, i don't usually remember anniversaries but yours is one that comes right before a special b-day and also on a special b-day so i shouldv'e remembered. anyhew- i do the very same things on anniversaries and b-days. reflecting on the past can be very painful but then also very fun and good to do i think. it's hard to believe that 3 years have gone by already and then when in comparison to the changes, and growth it's hard to believe it's not like 10 or 20 years already. i LOVE BESSICA!!! and i for one am happy that they are alive and well and still very much in love.

At 3:41 PM, Blogger scoeyd said...

Fun is my neighbor's middle name. I am among the living as of 3:30 - & have enough energy to blog.

To add a little taste of Ecclesiastes to your day -
Look at now. Enjoy your wife & baby. The food you eat & vino you drink. Your work. The DVR. Repeat as necessary.

As for tomorrow... keep an eye on it.

As for yesterdays... hmm. How much time does one spend revisiting what coulda/shoulda/mighta been? Bemoaning the pains that were? When the yesterdays have so much pain that they're affecting my todays et al, I go

That could be topic of another post.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger jami said...

happy belated 3rd anniversary! you both are amazing people and i know dave and i are really glad that you are in our lives. i hope the best for you two and your new baby. we love you three and are excited to see what the years ahead bring to you.

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Jen in Budapest said...

Happy Anniversary. I hope you have years and years with lots of reflection,joy, more reflection and more joy. Congratulations.


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