Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I'm sitting here in my office, just finished off a cup o' noodles, beef flavor. I still think I prefer chicken. I love that I can get 52% of my daily sodium intake in just a few bites. Moses prefers the beef flavor because the way chickens are grown. I say, how about the way chickens are slaughtered & processed. A good reference would be the X-Files episode which takes place in a small town & a chicken plant, "Chaco Chicken," where everyone works. It just so happens that Mr. Chaco & his buddies perform ritual sacrifices & dump the bodies in with the chicken leftovers to be processed. Think about that next time you eat chicken. I won't ruin the rest of the episode for you. It's worth watching. Speaking of which, I lent Matty season 1 of the X-Files so he can expand his mind. I received the complete collectors edition for christmas, complete with all 9 seasons, the X-Files movie, a comic book (never was really into comics) and a sweet poster that will be hung in my office. Chicken or beef. Right now beef because we have no chicken. Baby Todd is hungry. She gets to eat in 7 minutes & all her problems will be solved.

I've considered blogging for some time now. I'm intimidated to blog. I get bored with my thoughts not too long after I decide to blog about them. I do however have a picture on my phone of a toilet seat in the women's bathroom after what I imagine was a messy battle. I will post that next.


At 12:46 PM, Blogger scoeyd said...

Oh, brotherrrrrr.

Just blog as your thoughts come into your head. Even when they're short blogs.

You should blog about vaccinations next.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger digapigmy said...

i don't want to read any posts about vaccinations. the topic makes me not want to be friends anymore more than just about any other topic.

the phone picture teaser has piqued my interest, however.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger laura said...

I like chicken, and I don't really care how it is processed because it probably isn't really chicken anyway.
Please keep blogging. you make me laugh, and I need to laugh more.
I am scared to see your picture because I have seen what some "ladies" have left behind in that bathroom.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Murdoc said...

Brint- I think you should ask Jesus why the topic of vaccinations bothers you so much. Maybe you need healing there.

Laura- Was that an admission of guilt in regards to the bathroom.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger laura said...

I admit to nothing. I think I need to speak to my lawyer before I talk to you anymore.

At 7:54 PM, Blogger digapigmy said...

the topic of vaccines doesn't bother me, only the rantings of paranoid knuckle draggers that long for the days when 50-60% of children didn't live past 3.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger scoeyd said...

The Ayes have it brother - bring the vaccination blog. At the very least, you can be sure to antagonize Brintus Maximus into doing some blog drive-bys, which is a plus in my world.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Murdoc said...

Brint- I like that you are so passionate about vaccines. Has the passion always been there or did it come through research & study?

As for the paranoid knuckle draggers. I'm not sure I've met one, unless I am one. What I've found is that the majority of people who are in your face, get vaccinated or get lost kind of people, have done zero research & really have no clue on any of the information. I believe it's scarier that people blindly listen & follow what the gubberment dictates, especially when it can be a life/death decision. When big brother tells you to get the AIDS vaccine they are developing, or you're going to get it, are you gunna obey? I don't really care if people vaccinate or not, that's their choice, but I do think they should be educated either way.

The Vaccine Book- Dr. Sears
Evidence of Harm- I forget the author

At 10:56 AM, Blogger scoeyd said...

I saw "I am Legend."

I watch X Files.

I know who "Alex Jones" is.

All 3 have story lines, 2 albeit apocryphal, 1 that is not, that deal with "miracle vaccines."

Do a vaccine post.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Murdoc said...


At 2:03 PM, Blogger digapigmy said...

what i have found is that the vast majority of people who don't vaccinate are crackpots who believe that everything the government does is evil, that the smallpox virus no longer exists, and have done no research other than possibly find a website run by other crackpots fitting much the same description. It is easy enough to find number pre-vaccine to post-vaccine and run stats by developed countries vs. countries that don't vaccinate. i will let others who claim to research find those themselves. it simply boils down to this -- the only legitimate question for anyone who has done their homework is when to vaccinate and which to get, not whether to or not.

At 9:40 PM, Blogger TimmyMac said...

I got my cooties shot when i was a kid . . . does that count?

At 10:40 PM, Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

ben- you are back and with blogs waiting in the wings.
second- to blog is a strange thing anyway , why we all read about each others inner dialogues or randomness is odd and if you start thinking about it too much you might never blog again and that would be a shame because yours is one of my personal favs.
third- listen to your older brother, he's older and wiser and well i agree with him.
fourth- have you read jenny mccarthy's book about what she believe immunizations did to her son? how can anyone take jenny from mtv seriously?
fifth- can i even have a fifth, i thought this only goes to third?
okay i am done...oh wait between you and erica you are now in competition for most comments on hillside blogs, everybody loves a healthy competition right?
who is the record holder and what is the record to break does anyone know?

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Murdoc said...

I started with sodium. It ended with a hijacking & me being goaded into competition. Is this why I blogged? Maybe.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger digapigmy said...

a hijacking is the only way to get yourself up to a stellar post-blog lull 15 comments on a post.

good work, jerk hole.

now get your baby immunized before she infects the rest of the kids at church with her exotic preventable illnesses.

At 7:17 PM, Blogger scoeyd said...

Beef? Who eats beef? (Beside Noel?) The only type of over-sodium'ed noodles I eat are Chicken. And chicken. The only thing worse is the oh-so-vague "Oriental" flavoring. What is that about?

Cooties shot. Hmmm. The memories... Got mine from Bonnie LaFargo in 1st grade - she was in 5th, held me down & gave me my shot...

Baby Elmo is not a carrier of any known diseases or exotic ones for than matter - unless having a record number of bowel movements is a disease. If it is, then you have it too. Maybe its hereditary...? I do have a bone to pick with her - seeings as she keeps putting her dirty diapers in the garbage can in the main office.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger TimmyMac said...

If I remember correctly (since I've been blogging), Diga holds the record of forty-some comments . . .

I don't remember the subject matter of his post, obviously it was not nearly as memorable as the number of comments it illicited. No doubt it was controversial like why the NIV is not the complete bible or why you should eat the placenta after your baby is born.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger digapigmy said...

i don't think there is any doubt that the placenta should be eaten. is there really any controversy there?

i don't know for sure, but i'd be willing to bet my 40+ comments came courtesy of one Scott Stapp.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

louie, not very observant- didn't brother mention that the moses eats beef and i love oriental flavor, although i never noticed what a funny name flavor that is for the noodles. we should have american and african and others like it. IF there were an american noodle flavor it would probably have some ranch flavoring going on-guarenteed.
i think i just like to entertain myself and thank God i still can.
ben- sorry for hi jacking but it won't be an all out war because erica has already changed her post and most bloggers dont' keep leaving comments on previous post- SO i pronounce you the winner!!
tim- i think you are right it was brent who won with 40+ but i think we could give one to ben now since he is trying to follow in the giants and brents footsteps in being an EMO- blogger!!!
i just came up with a name for those that only blog when they feel like it unlike the rest of us faithful bloggers who don't threaten to leave the blogging community every five seconds!!! hee hee hee!!! EMO BLOGGERS, that might be my next post.
brent- where is your blog?

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Murdoc said...

Brint slit his blogs wrists.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

Ben- Bah ha ha ha!! That tis good!!
Pretty good, pretty good.

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Destro Jones said...

wsup emo?

At 10:18 AM, Blogger CLIFFORD METH said...

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At 9:15 PM, Blogger Matty C. said...

I love cup o noodles. The other night for Nevada B-Ball game I bought 2 cup o noodles and a tropical punch sparkling water for $1.45. Cheap is awesome.

On the vaccine topic. I'm going back to school at UNR over the internet and my ability to do anything was put on hold because my immunizations are not current. Why do I need immunizations? It's on the internet, I tell them. I'm not attending the school. Then I tell myself, oh ya, it's UNR.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger digapigmy said...

get lou to sign of on a religious exemption, matty.

also - what comment did you delete, benjamin?

At 2:08 PM, Blogger Murdoc said...

It was some dude selling something about his blog.


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