Thursday, March 08, 2007

I have an itch, but I ain't got nothing to scratch...

So, I'm settling into my new job @ Hillside. Things are going pretty good from my perspective. I am learning new stuff & attempting to take a load off the boss man. The week flies by and I enjoy what I'm doing. There is only one thing that is lacking. A new guitar. I have an itch for a new acoustic guitar...preferrably a dreadnought...Larrivee, Taylor, Lowden, Avalon... One problem is that guitars are expensive, actually, nice guitars are expensive. Another problem is that the wife & I are saving money for the upcoming Germany trip that will run us $4000. Not much room for guitar budget. This doesn't stop me from my daily stroll through ebay to look at all of my possible future stringed friends. I guess I could sell a current guitar that I have to pay for a new one, but that would be counter productive and sin. I think the desire for a new guitar is just one of those things that never really goes away. It could be worse. Much, much worse.


At 10:34 AM, Blogger SeƱor H said...

how bout, since you like to buy guitars so much, you buy me a Stingray 5 HH? Deal? I thought your next instumental purchase was going to be a two story building with a 'Marshall' logo on it.

At 12:23 PM, Blogger digapigmy said...

i'm thinking that the germany trip should be free for males whose names start with b and their spouses. just something to float by your boss when you get a chance

At 2:57 PM, Blogger JayBird said...

Did you ever hear anything about the e-bay guitar that went missing?

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Murdoc said...

Dave: Are you really wanting me to buy it? That could be pricey.
Brint: Ill run that by the boss & see what he says.
Jay: Nothing on the bad sinner person who ripped me off. But the youth group in carson bought me the same guitar when I left.

At 8:52 AM, Blogger JayBird said...

That is very cool-- what the yg did for you.


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