Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The past few days have been long, but they've been really good. Me & the Mr. Mike attacked the foyer of the church & established dominance over it, bringing it into proper submission. With help from Kristopher, Pastor Eli, & moral support from LG, we made it happen. Over the past few days I've learned a few things:
1- Mike is one of those guys who can do everything.
2- Pastor Eli reminds me of me..a lot. He asked more questions that anyone I've met, other than myself, & he is my equal when it comes to persistence. I told him these were good traits to have.
3- Painting passes time crazy fast

If you've called the church in the past 2 days, there's a good chance no one has answered. That is because my secretary is in Virginia this week. One of the things that brought joy to my day is that Elijah answered the phone once. He answered, "Hello this is Pastor Elijah, can I help you." Awesome. Too bad it was his mom on the phone.

I've been teaching Ellie to pray before bed for the last week or so. I have her repeat after me, but the last two days, she goes for it herself. Pretty awesome. Tonight she started after her bath before bed & prayed for just about everyone, including her books Lou Lou & Mack Mack.


At 1:15 PM, Blogger miss jessica said...

The paint is amazing! You are great!

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Destro Jones said...

The color looks awesome.

We ask Morgan at bed time what she wants to thank Jesus for and School is always first on the list. :]

p.s. this comment is brought you by word verification "dooken"

At 2:49 PM, Blogger shontell said...

ahahaa. my son is hilarious. it was all I could do to not to crack up when he answered the phone. Also, my husband is this century's MCGyver only hotter. I don't understand incapable men.


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