Thursday, September 01, 2005

Now That's Hospitality

As I've said over the past few days, I took some pictures that I found a bit interesting. Especially since these are pictures of authentic/real instruments of torture that were used by the church during the Inquisition.
The first picture, which I will call "The Bouncer" has been on my board before. The "sinner" would be placed in the metal ring & if female, would be repeatedly dropped on her snoopis & other areas. Men would be dropped on their bonch, butthole, and/or their tailbone. It all sounds pretty painful & quite perverse.

This is "The Chair." Covered with spikes, the unclean would be strapped down & punched, kicked, and pretty much anything else that would drive their bodies into the spikes. As I was looking at this stuff, I wondered what the people who invented this stuff were like. I understand torture & execution, but most of this torture was done to people that were naked, and most of it was sexually perverse. Maybe I'd feel better if I found out that this stuff wasn't invented by the church, maybe not.

Lastly, "The Belt of truth." I think we all know what this was for. When I think chastitiy belt, I think Robin Hood Men in Tights. After seeing a real one, I first laughed, then cringed. Poor souls who tested the metal. Notice the denied entry in two areas. Hrm...Interesting. Brint this may be your solution. You had talked about your 15 yr old daughter & how she will have to be responsible for her decisions. This could help her decision making process. If I am ever blessed with a daughter, I will hang it above the fireplace as a trophy. Talk about intimidation.
There were more pictures but these were the ones that I deemed postworthy.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger scoeyd said...

if you were to tell me that the torture devices came from the pit of hell itself, I wouldn't be surprised. I'd expect, naturally, that hell is just where these twisted (read: perverse) devices got their genesis.

to know that indeed, they did come from the church, reminds me that the same spirit that drove the pharisees to pursue killing Jesus in the name of God (!) was still at work in the form of religious zealous-ness in the 15-18th centuries, & still exists...

At 10:08 AM, Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

can you say YUCKA!!

At 10:40 AM, Blogger SeƱor H said...

Scoey-d, are you learning about these in your european culture class? Is 1550 part of the great inquisition? Were these also the devises that Tyndale was fleeing from? This is very interesting to me how "the church" could do such a thing and think it is all for God...I wonder what God thought during that time.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Murdoc said...

What does God think now at some of the stuff people do in His name? Probably about the same.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger scoeyd said...

I took a class called The Inquisition in Latin America. In it, I learned all kinds of stuff about what happened in Italy, Spain, & the rest of Europe, as well as how & why it spread to the 'colonies'...

Tyndale was fleeing because he was attempting to translate & print the Bible in English... which challenged the power structure set up by the the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). The RCC deemed itself as the sole interpreter of scripture, & said that the Bible couldn't be trusted in the hands of lay-people.

Tyndale followed in the footsteps of guys like John Wycliffe, & though he didn't get the pointy pyramid up the yang, he did get burned. For bringing us the Bible,no less.

Interesting note - the basis of the King James Version of the Bible, published in 1611, was about 80% based on the body of work that Tyndale had put together. And now the Bible is everywhere. The world is not worthy of dudes like that.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger JayBird said...

hmmmmm..... what have i seen the "church" do in the name of Jesus? suit & tie, "forced" baptisms in the Holy Spirit, reject people that look & act differently, growth obsessed, & others.

At 8:24 PM, Blogger TimmyMac said...

The list of the sins of the church is endless. Don't forget the purple kool aid (Jim Jones), burning "witches" at the stake (Puritans), thumbscrews, the rack, and boots that broke the bones of the legs.

But in our more civilized American version we have pedophilia (priests), spiritual abuse by way of emotional manipulation and control (too many examples to list), and the ever popular give-me-your-money-and-I'll-let-you-use-my-condo (PTL Heritage).

"If you can conceive it and believe it you shall receive it, hallelujah, amen Brotha's and Sista's"

At 9:22 PM, Blogger No(dot dot)el said...

i love it tim, the modern versions are bit more sneeky but i don't know which is worse.

At 9:43 PM, Blogger scoeyd said...

I'd take the PTL'ers any day over the physical torture at the hands of the "church." I can dismiss the excesses as being just that, & I know that my God can heal any emotional damage caused & put me back together again. On the other end, the pointy pyramid to the lower regions, because 'Jesus wants me to repent?" well, that's just not copasetic.

At 10:32 PM, Blogger David said...

Those devices wouldn't look so frightful if they each had a small, plastic orange slide connected to them.

They would probably be big hits in Catholic neighborhoods. The kids could go down the slide, and then have a perfect way to punish themselves for having fun.

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Double D said...

Did you get a picture of the body saw? I thought that was pretty disturbing...the fact that the spread the legs and just started sawing, they said that the people could feel the pain until they got to the navel and sometimes even as far as the breast plate, when you lost consciousness

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Murdoc said...

I dont think I have one of the saw. For everyone else. Just imagine a 6 foot long old school lumberjack saw. The rest has been said...


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